Agreeing with the person below me...
Your animation could use a lot more sound effects. In addition, a lot of your audio balancing is terrible. Some voices are a lot louder than others, some are too quiet. You should try adjusting them in a music editing software. I recommend Audacity.
The plot is a little dry, also. Why are they fighting? Why are they there? What are their names? What's their goal? Why is there only one dude? Why is that one chick part dragon? Why does that guy have a laptop, and why do none of the chicks know what he's doing? Needs more depth.
The animation could use some brushing up, too. Everything kinda looks sketchy and unclean and not...solid... if that makes any sense. In addition, the characters could use a broader range of expression. For the majority, everyone kinda looked like this: 0 _0
Overall, not bad. But not great, either. Hopefully you take some of this advice with your next production. I look forward to any further improvements. :D